What is Coaching?

A coach is a partner that helps you examine your current situation, where you want to be, identity barriers and help you understand what could support the change, while supporting you throughout the journey to get there. Your thoughts are viewed from an objective unbiased point of view, and further questions are asked so that it gets you thinking of how you are going to get to where you want to be. Through this process, you will find the solutions rather than being taught/told. A coach is your catalyst to change, but you are empowered from within to be the real change maker.

What is the difference between Coaching, Consulting and Therapy?

While consultants solve an issue and provide the answers, a therapist treats issues of the past to create behavioural change. A coach however asks questions to take issues at work or home and ensure that the answers come from the client itself.


You have no experience in my field of work, how can you help me?

Coaching is a method in which we help you meet your goals through powerful questioning. The technique of doing this matters more than being a subject matter expert in your field of work. The technique I follow is recognised by the International Coaching Federation.

How many coaching sessions do I need?

This would depend on your goal. Once you send in a contact request, we can help you help you gauge the number of sessions you need.

How are the sessions held?

All sessions are held over a video call.

Who decides when the sessions are held?

You get to decide the schedule and the agenda. I each session we unpack the agenda and leave the session with some action points that will get your closer to where you want to be.